Friday, 15 August 2014

論 Sublime

(原發表於 2014 年 7 月 19 日,本人 facebook)

有時會有朋友問︰像 Bergman 的 Persona 、Tarkovsky 的 Nostalghia 和 Kubrick 的 2001 Space Odyssey 這類電影應如何去理解?我的建議是︰不要太用力去理解。

為什麼?因為這類電影關乎 the sublime , sublime 和 terror 相關,它們都是要帶著某種朦朧才能發揮作用的。我自己解釋太麻煩,Burke 有幾段文字寫得很清晰,雖然他那個時候沒有電影,都是用詩作引例,但用在電影上是一樣的︰

To make any thing very terrible, obscurity seems in general to be necessary. When we know the full extent of any danger, when we can accustom our eyes to it, a great deal of the apprehension vanishes.

It is our ignorance of things that causes all our admiration, and chiefly excites our passions. Knowledge and acquaintance make the most striking causes affect but little.
在以 Milton 描寫撒旦的詩為例時, Burke 說︰
"The mind is hurried out of itself, by a croud (crowd) of great and confused images; which affect because they are crouded (crowded) and confused. For separate them, and you lose much of the greatness, and join them, and you infallibly lose the clearness. The images raised by poetry are always of this obscure kind"
(這一段簡直就像在評論 Persona 的蒙太奇了 ... )

(題外話︰ Burke 認為 painting 所繪畫的 sublime ,無論是宏大的教堂還是闊寬的海洋,所引起的效果都不及現場實物本身。所以在 sublime 這方面,畫要比不上詩。不過 Burke 所不能預見的是,當 painting 脫離了寫實,最終會孕育出像 Mark Rothko 、 Barnett Newman 這些完全推翻他這套說法的畫家。)

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